Recession Depression
Congratulations, America, on being a beacon of Denialocracy all these years. Evidently we've been robbing Peter to pay Judas. Who knew? I mean, besides The Eliminati and those of us with eyes and ears? Turns out the crazy guy with the 'End Is Near' sign was right all along -- but then, he had to be, yes? I mean, the odds were always in his favor, as long as you use the word 'near' in a Big Picture context.
Oh, by the way, speaking of depression -- do NOT, under any circumstances, regardless of what some jerkoff with a medical degree tells you, do NOT try Cymbalta. Just say no. Antidepressant, my ass -- it's not just an SNRI; it's an SFD. That's Slow Fucking Death. Poisonous shit, man. Trust me. Learn from my pain.
Anyway, back to the whole reason I had to start taking that crap in the first place: The Persistent Horror Of Impending Doom. Will it be a recession? Or GreatDepression2.0? You say tomayto; I say ketchup. What's the difference, really? The bottom line is that all empires crumble eventually, like tears in rain. Time to die.
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